Aww , he's hot even when he's digging his nose ! Haha , CUTE . :)
Hey guys ! I'm soo fucking bored . My mum is mad at me . Ohhh WHATEVER . This time , i aint giving a shit . ASS . Okay , i still need to hit the books to do my fucking school work :( Tomorrow is school , so yeah , i better do it ... OR NOT ! Probably , i'll do some .. Okay , nowadays , i'm feeling fucking hungry . I just ate sooo much . Probably , it's my time to shine , to have some FATS ! Yay to hannaj ! Lols . OKAY NOW , i wanna clear up some FUCKING RUMOURS . In twitter , it have been CRAZY . RIP Johnny Depp was on Trending and it pisses the shit out of me cause , it NOT fucking true . SERIOUSLY , he's not dead ! He's still breathing ! You are right , Johnny ? I mean like , yeahhh , he's alive . So don't be sooooooo shocked thinking he's dead when he's not . ITS LAME ! The one's whom started the rumour , you're a SICK SICK person . Go and get a fucking hobby man . Is'nt the world big enough for you ???? SO yeah , hannaJ have clear up the rumour . The CNN posted an OUTDATED pic so CHILLEX ! LEARN to READ . It says , 2004 ..
And ... SOMEONE turn 14th today !!
HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY , Izaan !
This dude is freakin 14th now (AND HE's OLD ! ) .. He have a BIG BIG mouth which class 2a3 will always cherished cause he's the one whom make the class ... ALIVE !!! He and Kenny . LOLS , they just could not shut up huh ??? :) Have an ass kicking 14th birthday man . Tomorrow , i'll give you a birthday present . You could choose . If you want a punch or a slap :) I'm just kidding .. But probably a slap ! :) hahah . Take care man .
He turn 14th when i have not .. :( That's not fair ! It's okay , i'm still young ! Haha ! OKay okay , like i ALWAYS end my post , is by helping the HAITIANS by donating . Watched the hope for haiti now yesterday at 9pm (MTV changed the timing last min ..ASS) till 11.30pm . I swear man , i cried soo hard . It's just soo unfair . Even some little children are waiting , not knowing what ellse to do . There was this one little kid whom lost over 10 of his/her (forgotten .. SORRY) family members .. It just breaks my heart .. SO please , lend a helping hand . Donate how much you can starting by $5 . Even $5 could change A person life .
The proceeds will go to the international Federation Of Red Dross and Red Cresent Societies , which are Currently in Haiti taking care of survivors .
I pray he best for them <3 Amin .