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Monday, June 14, 2010
IT'S SUMMER ! So we hit the beach ! @ 1:52 AM

Awhhh so cute. Anyway, i'll try to make this post as short as possible. Yesterday , went to Sentosa Palawan beach with MickyJunior, ZeeShilton, EeqahOhh, EllyAmira, ApitKechyk, AjibJoker, ShahSanchii, and Nabil. Me and Micky arrived late. I went to Micky's house first to help her with some stuff. Reach there and surprised Zee with a birthday gift from me and Micky. A cookie monster cushion. Then board the bus. I was the photographer of the day. I didnt went in the sea. since i didnt want to and i didnt bring extra clothes. So i snapped all the pic being incharge of three camera. But it's kindda boring . LOL. So they all find a solution and end up, i did went in ^^ Yay ! lol , had a blast . we played ball gamess and stuff in the sea. Then around 8pm, we left the beach.
Had troubles thinking where to go next. But end up , they all went below my block to slack there. Eeqah and Micky left first. leaving us . And Yat came . We did this thing where we could make people faint ,and yes , it WORKED ! LOL. I fainted like 2 TIMES ! apit and shah recorded it ! and everybody took turns to faint . like WTF ? lol , epic moment but hell of fun ! And , they all left at around 11.3opm. leaving izati.
Izati came up my house till 12.30am . Ate , use laptop and stuff. then off she went home at 12.30am.
And i stayed up till 5am for world cup.GREEN GREEN GREEN , if only you did hold the ball ...
NOWNOWNOW, waiting for Germany and Australia match. Who are you supporting ?! I support germany ...

OH MY GOSH . this is soooo cute ! Look at yoseobbie face in the secong pic ! I totally went "AWHHHHH" over it . lol . Its still so SHOCKING that i'm gonna meet them ! OH GOSHHH ! i totally can't wait for 25th ! planning on buying yoseobbie a gift .. hmmmm ... lol . STOKED.
I feel for you. been there.
HannaFernaldo ?!
Labels: BEACH
you think you know me.
Hey, I'm Hanna
Music is my everything.
I express myself here most of the time.
this is my blog, so don't bitch about it.
kpop is my pure obsession
i plan on travel the world once
and dance during a heavy downpour.
i love
kpop is me.
you think you know me.
Hey, I'm Hanna
Music is my everything.
I express myself here most of the time.
this is my blog, so don't bitch about it.
kpop is my pure obsession
i plan on travel the world once
and dance during a heavy downpour.
i love
kpop is me.