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Saturday, March 13, 2010
CAMP ! SLACK ! @ 12:32 AM
FIRSTLY , the previous post about the i want a diet coke and shit
IS NOT updated by me ! MEDRIE updated that ! I left my laptop on at fajar mac and he went in to my account and update for me .. KPO !! lol

Focuse on the GUY . Not the girl . Lol , btw , thats AjibJoker . And he's birthday falls YESTERDAY ! 12 march 2010 . about half an hour ago . lol . Happy birthday man . Yes i know , you are "abgabg" already . No need to call me "adeqAdeq" .. hhhaha . Sorry if there isnt any present . Just have a great day . :) wishing you the best in life .
12MARCH2010 .
Went to micky house at 9am like that . planned wanna do e-learning .. but end up , did NONE ! lol , online FB chat here and there . Search search search . It was a blast at Micky house . She on her living room aircon and two loud crazy bass speaker and we were singing like drunken bitches with my voice being all sore like a mat rocker . lol . people said i'm having a guys voice . wtf . thats embarassing but , its worthit for the camp :) And , ayidtenot was online . chat with him and ask him to come down to fajar mac and he did ! YAYYAYYAYAYAYAYY ! Got to meet him AGAIN ! Masai misses him like fuck ! lol . He came to fajar mc . slack and ate ice cream . His treat . Nurul , micky , izati, eeqah , ajib , isyam , HongSheng , azmie , Medrie , shah was there .. After awhile , ajib , shah , azmie and medrie ciao . left the remaining . slack at a pondok with teacher all . FUN ! Finally get to meet him . lol . nurul was CRAZY just now . TOO excited to meet cher uyh .. (he's my instructor in camp , but i just call him teacher or cher uyh) Slack with cher till 7.30pm . fun . And had a photoshoot . Then cher , nurul and micky went home . Then eeqah went back to fajar mac . Left the remaining . end up , went to eeqah house played karem (whatever the spelling is) . Slack there till 1030pm . reach home around 11.10pm . BAEK UYH NARY ! Check out the pictures below .

TTHEN .....
CAMP CAMP CAMP !Okay camp .
FIRST DAY .WE WALKED FROM FAJAR SEC TO BUKIT BATOK campsite there . WTF ! Tired . First , instructor snake say 10min walk . lol , end up , almost an hour walk ! WTF ! Instructor eboi was loling at me and my big bag . the biggest of all . as if like im a makcik jual keropok / someone selling pirated CD / a terrorist carrying a bomb . I know , like wtf right ? Poeple were saying those 3 main . thanks . reached then gather and eat . learned all thhe instructor name . Then we had to cook . a maggi . I ATE TWO BOWLS ! Instructor tonet was like "hanna ! You rock girl!" cause , i eat , very burok . gelejoh .. lol . but thats how i NORMALLY eat at home . And at around 4.05pm when i was doing the low element , i fall ... clumsy bitch am i ? lol . My skin came of and i had a bum on my leg . ouch , blood wass flowing out . I cried like fuck .. CAUSE IT HURTS when instructor decrewz put the medicine .. There was loads of people seeingg .. paiseh .. Then sat for 20 min and went back . and loads more happen . let's just skip to day 2 .
DAY 2What happen uyh ? i forgotten ! .. OH YAA ! Went KAYAKKING ! oleh oleh oleh olehhh ! I dont know how to swim so , i had fears . but i still did it though .. it was tough , FOR ME .. Lol . GOT SUNBURN !My nose , the skin terkopek .. i didnt put sunblock lotion . And , i didnt bring extra clothes . so , i had to dry off . salt was all over me since it was salt water . The weather was freaking hot ... Then when back . Prepared for CAMPFIRE ! Did some cheer and stuff . It wwas fun . When llights off , me , micky , durga and izati was out . to take a bath . but izati just accompanied us . then went to bed . what a day .
DAY 3oi . HIGH ELEMENT ! i hate heights . i have FEAR of it .. It was raining till about 9 . played captain ball . but first , T1 vs e4 . Instructor eboi and instructor jj class . Then when to HIGH ELEMENT ! I did flying fox first . It was SCARYYYY and fun in a weird way .. I was like "this is freaking scaaaaryyyyyy !" lol . Then went to this high elemen thing . Didnt do it cause , i dont want to . So waited for like 2 hours then , ROCK CIMBING ! I love love love love love love rock climbing like fuck !!! First try , i was halfway there and i gave up . chicken out awhile there . lol . i kept on complaining to my instructor , instructor tonet that i want to go up again and i was not happy with it . And i change my mind actually . Instructor Tonet called me a chicken .. lol THANKS ... SO i tried again .. i this time ... I REACHED THE TOP ! It was an AWESOME feeling . i love it . yayayyayaya . Then went back , played captain ball again . till my pants tore . hahhaahhaa . but i think , we tried out best . getting first isnt everything . its about having fun . then , CAMPFIRE MOMENT ! llol . gerek uyhh . and lights off .
DAY 4 .
PACKPACKPACK . do area cleaning and had lil chat . it was fun and sad that it's so soon that we have to leave the campsite . i cried in the bus . lololol . Chengeng uyh .. hahhahah . Then went to SLACK at fajar mac . chattting and saying how we miss camp . we want to go back :(
The instructors was great . Instructor JJ have to accept that he's handsome . Yes cher , yyou are handsome , so STOP denying it . He always denying it . Must argue argue with him . He showed me his ezlink and he's 18 only this year .. woahhh ... i though he was 20 or 21 llike that . His face was like AH BENG eyh ... hahhaha . He told me he wants to reborn his hair . Better reborn properly . dont spoil your hot hair ... hahhaha . Gonna miss you man . Instructor Tonet , we must meet again .. eventhough we just meet just now . hahhahhah . Snake , have a great trip to Thailand aye . Come back soon . Decrewz , whenever , we must meet ! I miss your RABAKKAW ! :) The rest , hope we'll meet soon . miss you all .
Okay , thats all . TO LONG POST . bye .
Labels: Awesome time, AyidTonet, camp, slack